A group of construction workers working on the side of a road.

Check Out Our Safety Consulting Services

When it comes to reliable safety consulting, trust experienced professionals. Tr-State Safety Solutions, LLC in Toms River, New Jersey, is here to provide a comprehensive plan to keep you and your employees safe and in regulatory compliance.

Unsafe Driving Practices

Most accidents are caused by unsafe acts and practices. This may include:

  • Operating equipment/tools without training or permission
  • Failure to use lockout procedures
  • Failure to inspect the equipment
  • Attempting unauthorized repairs
  • Notfollowing safety procedures
  • Improper lifting
  • Not using PPE
  • Improper use of chemicals
A man sitting in the driver 's seat of his car.

Quality Services

We take time to understand your organizational structure. This allows us to smoothly integrate our consulting services into your internal operations and procedures.

Personalized Approach

There is no one size fits all solution when it comes to safety consulting services. That is why we customize our environmental, health, and safety consulting services. This includes:

  • Custom Training Programs
  • Custom Written Programs / Policies
  • Emergency Response System, Including Spills/Chemical Releases and Exposure assessments
  • Fire Safety Programs
  • Incident Reporting Systems
  • Indoor Air Quality Investigations and Pro-Active Monitoring Programs
  • Consulting Practice Focused on the Strategic Use of iPad in Regulatory Management (DOT | EPA | OSHA), Training, and Loss Control
  • Risk/Loss Assessments and Communication Strategies
Two people standing next to each other in a construction site.

Why Hire an EH&S Consultant?

Our state takes environmental, health, and safety seriously. Check out various benefits you can get when you hire one of our consultants.